We are members of the association: SUME

We are members of the association: SUME

SUME: Sustainability for Mexico A.C. is a non-profit association whose vision is to join efforts towards a sustainable Mexico in order to improve the quality of life for all through joint actions and wills.

They promote LEED Certification and other sustainable programs, including EDGE, GRESB, Parksmart, PEER, SITES, TRUE, WELL and implementation of ESG strategies.

Somos miembros de la asociación: SUME

SUME: Sustentabilidad para México A.C. es una asociación sin fines de lucro cuya visión es sumar esfuerzos hacia un México sustentable a fin de mejorar la calidad de vida de todos a través acciones y voluntades conjuntas. 

Promueven la Certificación LEED y otros programas sostenibles, incluyendo EDGE, GRESB, Parksmart, PEER, SITES, TRUE, WELL e implementación de estrategias ESG.

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21 March Global Shading day
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Recycling commitment